Monday, July 16, 2012

M.I.A. Working In The Studio With…Chris Brown??

Hmm, okay. We didn't see this one coming.
But hey, both M.I.A. and Chris Brown are notorious newsmakers so this could be really inneresting.
Chris Brown posted a message on his website that he was recording some music with M.I.A. He wrote:
"Was in the studio with the incredible M.I.A and Polow!! Amazing artist! Real talent."
Producer [...]

Amazon Book Lending Now A Go

Amazon has just announced Kindle Library Lending, a new service that will allow Kindle owners to borrow and check out books from locally equipped libraries!

What a fab idea, keep those libraries going!

Not only that, but upon borrowing a book, you'll be able to annotate it with Whispersync technology — and that's cool because you can't really do that with a physical library book without getting a beat-down by a librarian with glasses. Ha!

This also means that you won't have to wait until books are returned to check them out. Pretty freakin' great idea, if you ask us!

Hey Kindle owners! Will U be using this feature??

Man Ray
Pope Benedict Xvi
soins anti rides
home schooling information

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